Monday, October 5, 2009

Students and faculty present alternative energy research

On Thursday and Friday of last week, the Center for Alternative Energy Technology held its third annual Alternative Energy Symposium.  There were 19 oral presentations and about 10 posters.  Several CSU faculty spoke about some of the research activities currently underway at Chicago State.  Drs. Mardis, Rivas and LeSuer summarized some of the solar cell research we've been working on over the past year.  We're trying to get a better understanding of the Chemistry that goes on in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells.  Dr. Nkansah spoke about making new membranes for fuel cells, and did a great job at advertising our newest toy, a JEOL 6610LV Scanning Electron Microscope. (More on that later.) Brandee Stanton, a recent CSU grad, is working for Dr. Jones and gave an oral presentation about the synthesis of alloyed nanoparticles for fuel cell catalysis.  Note in the image above how the students were truly interested in the presentations, and their attentiveness had nothing to do with my threat that there might be a quiz on Monday.

Originally, there were only a few poster presentations, and therefore no time was set aside to give the presenters a chance to meet with other symposium attendees.  We pulled together several of the current research students to form an ad hoc undergraduate poster session, which turned out to be quite a success.  {Shhh. Don't Tell.  We also pushed back the departure time for the shuttle returning to the conference hotel and made sure some fruit and cookies were available for those who had early dinner plans.}  The hour-long poster session was well attended; again, don't believe what you hear regarding threats about quizzes.

[Top 2 photos courtesy of Brent Jones at CSU and the bottom photo courtesy of Ali Manesh Jr.]

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